EET 睿騏英語 Abish 老師 2017年教學回顧
Annual Teaching Reflection 2017 by EET Instructor Abish
Bilingual (雙語對照)
To Teach Is To Learn 教學相長
A need to go an extra mile
Though having been teaching for many years, I know there is still a need to go an extra mile and to walk out of my comfort zone. There are times that it’s not easy to keep myself remain enthusiastic in doing the thing that I’m familiar with. Saving some time to reflect on this profession is like making an overall cleanup once a year to welcome the Chinese New Year. As we get down to clean, we more or less discover that certain things are or have been overlooked for a while. After the thorough cleanup, we feel refreshed and straighten up for a new start.
Teaching Online
Online teaching is not what I used to do in most cases. Inevitably, I found myself in a spin for the recording request and a series of standard procedures for each lesson. Panic, anxiety, and juggle were the words that best described how I felt in the very beginning. Troubleshooting every technical problem became very urgent for technophobia like me. Administration support was also desperately needed at the same time. Meanwhile, I hadn’t got enough time to go over and familiarize myself with about a dozen textbooks before my teaching. That made me feel insecure. This new experience was thrilling and gladly with constant administration support and communication, it has turned my stress and anxiety into calmness and ease. I pause and ponder that teaching has again become more than teaching itself to me.
線上教學並非我以往主要的教學模式。一開始無可避免地手忙腳亂,因為從前置作業到課後的標準流程有十項左右,每一步驟皆不可遺漏,同時也要確保網路穩定、聲音影像的品質、排除各種外在干擾等。用驚惶失措、七手八腳來形容初期的心情非常貼切。對科技產品又愛又怕的我,最需要克服的就是電腦和網路的相關疑難雜症。同時,行政支持對我亦是迫切重要! 此外,尚未有充分時間瀏覽和熟悉全部教材之前,心裡也會有些忐忑不安。這項新經驗很新鮮刺激,幸好有行政同仁不斷支援和溝通,才將我的壓力焦慮化為平靜自在。停下沉思,教學對我來說,再次意味著不只是教學而已。