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Time to Go Away after My English Learning

My  UK  Trip,  a precious experience, Hsu


We searched a lot of blogs about the food before going to UK. It was said we had better not expect it. It’s expensive and it might not be our tastes. Okay, we had known there was a big difference of flavor between West and East. My sister and I wanted to keep an open mind about the British food, so we tried several popular restaurants and traditional British food. By the way, you had better make a reservation if you are going to a hot restaurant in rush hour, otherwise you will wait for a period of time. We didn’t reserve a table and therefore had to wait for half to an hour.



Union Jacks – Pizza & antipasto



We went to two restaurants of Jamie Oliver’s in UK and Jamie’s Italian and Union Jacks. Jamie Oliver was a well-known chief and he supported healthy food from local producers. My sister and I tried antipasti, pasta, pizza, desserts and drinks in the restaurants. We would say that the food was nice and had a rich flavor. You could taste the fresh herbs and spices mixed in your mouth. It’s very different from our food.
We also tried some traditional British food, Fish and Chips and The British Breakfast. We liked Fish and Chips, the batter was crispy outside and fluffy inside. We heard some people didn’t like Fish and Chips, but we thought it was perfect to be our snacks. The British Breakfast was too rich for us! High calories and high fat and heavy flavor! Uh…. The British Breakfast wasn’t our taste. Anyway, we accepted British food well basically, whereas we really missed Taiwanese food after a few days. Fortunately, we brought some Taiwanese instant noodles and cookies from Taiwan in case we missed our home flavor.

Union Jacks – Pizza

我們去了 Jamie Oliver 的兩家餐廳:
傑米意大利和 Union Jacks


傑米·奧利弗(Jamie Oliver)是一位支持在地生產者的健康食品的著名主廚。我們在餐廳點了開胃菜、麵食、比薩、甜點和飲料。菜色算好吃且味道很濃,你可以感覺到新鮮的草本和香料混合在你的嘴裡的味覺,這與我們台灣的食物有很大不同。



英國早餐對我們來說,味道太重了!高熱量、高脂肪!呃... 英式早餐就不合我們胃口。



Union Jacks –antipasto-1

Union Jacks –antipasto

The British Breakfast

The British Breakfast

Fish and chips

Fish and chips

Burger and chips

Burger and chips

Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace

Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace 英格蘭倫敦的宮殿:白金漢宮


London nightscape

London nightscape  倫敦夜景


The people we met on the journey were all nice and very funny, no matter in the hotels, the restaurants or the tourist attractions. They usually said a sentence with some positive words, like lovely, awesome, great, fabulous, fantastic, etc., and I thought it was the most important reason that made us feel so happy on our journey. Nobody wouldn’t like someone saying these fabulous words. Of course, we also met some people who were very cool. They didn’t use these words in our conversation. But they were still very gentle with us, just like a charming British gentleman in the movies.

I remembered that I met a little boy on the London Eye’s Coach. He looked out the window, faced the London’s nightscape and said ”Oh! London! London! It’s so beautiful! It’s the best city that I’ve ever been.” He looked so serious! I told my sister “He was so exaggerated! But he was right! And how could he say it so naturally. It touched my heart!”


And one of the hotel staff asked us if we were coming back to London, we answered her of course, because there were so many places we hadn’t visited. Then she said yes, there were a lot of different things which could be explored! Even she had lived here for a long time, she still didn’t see the whole London.We totally agree with her!



我不禁跟我妹說這小男孩也太誇張了!但他是說得也沒錯!但他怎麼會可以說得這麼自然呢! 他觸動了我的心!



Big Ben
My sister and I continue to miss everything in London after coming back to Taiwan. We miss our footprints in London when we see the pictures about London. So we are definitely sure we will come back to London again.




Big Ben 英國大笨鐘


去年年底出門旅遊前,我答應我的英文老師要寫這篇相關遊記的文章,那時我已經知道這對我來說是一件不容易的事,畢竟我很早就了解到英文寫作跟中文寫作是兩件完全不一樣的事,用中文想得容易卻不容易用英文寫出要表達的情境跟意思, 或是文章不連續及廢話太多等,所以使用英式思考寫出一篇容易閱讀,讓閱讀者的情緒不被打斷的英文一直是我的罩門,因此回來台灣後我掙扎了一個多月才開始下筆寫這一篇遊記。

作者 EET 許小姐後記








「我現在常常看 BBC 網站的新聞」

「BBC 有針對外語學習者開放了一個專區,比較簡單,妳可以多瀏覽」 我回答,沒想到她的回答是:

「那個我沒興趣,我想直接看 BBC 正常版的新聞,比較可以看到更全面的報導,尤其是最近我看到他們針對美國 總統川普的報導的用字,一開始我很好奇他們為什麼這樣用,後還我查了英英字典有更深的了解後,我覺得該記者的用字用得太好了!」



 { End    學英文後,該出國走走了|我的英國之旅   全文完 }


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